Most of the information below was gleaned from War Department announcements that appeared in the Syracuse Herald-Journal. Some of the servicemen and women listed on these pages did not live in Solvay or the town of Geddes, but in neighborhoods associated more with the village than with the city of Syracuse where their homes were located. I've corrected what I believe were spelling errors, particularly in regard to names. However, I'm sure errors remain. To correct them or to add people I inadvertently overlooked, contact me at the email address at the bottom of the page. — JACK MAJOR
- S - |
Storekeeper Anthony Sabene of Solvay has been graduated from the Navy’s storekeeper school at Sampson. (2/13/44)
Seaman Second Class Anthony Sabene Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Sabene, 319 Lionel Avenue, Solvay, was granted a leave following completiion of his basic training at Sampson. (9/22/44) |
Anthony Sabene Jr. died in June, 2008, at the age of 82. A life resident of Solvay, he served with the Navy in the South Pacific. He was an accountant and director of budgets and financial analysis at Carrier Corporation before retiring in 1980.
Mario Sabene, 83, a brother of Anthony Sabene, was an Army veteran of World War 2 who died in August, 2006. A resident of Camillus for 15 years, Mario Sabene graduated from Solvay High School and was employed for 35 years by New Process Gear. A third brother, Vincent Sabene, also was in the Army during the war. |
The second Distinguished Unit Citation was recently awarded to the members of the 56th Fighter Group, crack P-47 Thunderbolt outfit commanded by L/Col. Lucian A. Dede Jr. at an Eight Air Force fighter station in England. Capt. Alexander F. Sadowski of 328 First Street, Solvay, who wears the citation ribbon and cluster, the E. T. R. Ribbon and six Bronze Battle Stars, is a member of this group. (8/13/45) |
Alexander Sadowski's younger brother, Bernard A. "Barney" Sadowski, joined the Army in 1945 and served as a clerk in the Judge Advocate General's office in Berlin. He married Florence H. Owens in 1948 and had four sons. Bernard Sadowski graduated from Cortland State College and had a career in radio advertising sales. He died in 2008 at the age of 81, predeceased by brother Alexander and another older brother, Joseph. |
AC Daniel J. Salisbury, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred T. Salisbury of 102 Fay Road, was awarded a sharpshooter’s medal for proficiency in firing the .45 caliber automatic pistol at Maxwell Field, Alabama, an installation of the AAF Training Command. (7/6/44) |
Daniel J. Salisbury was an Air Force pilot. He left Syracuse and moved to Florida in 1970. He was president of D. J. Salisbury Inc. He died in New Port Richey, Florida, in 2003 at the age of 78.
Corp. Alfred T. Salmon of 104 South Orchard Road, Westvale, is stationed at Camp Santa Anita, Arcadia, California. Before entering service, December 15, 1942, he was employed by the Solvay Process Company. His wife is Mrs. Myrtle Salmon of Syracuse. (4/28/43)
Corp. Alfred T. Salmon has returned to Camp Santa Anita, Arcadia, California, after passing a 16-day furlough with his wife, Mrs. Myrtile Salmon, of 3012 West Genesee Street. He is in an ordnance instrument repair regiment. (7/5/43)
Sgt. Alfred Salmon has arrived in England. He is attached to the artillery and fire control company of an ordnance regiment. He entered service in September 1942. (9/15/44) |
Alfred T. Salmon, son of Sidney and Oliver Salmon, who emigrated from England, moved to West Monroe, New York, in 1953. He retired after 37 years as a machinist with Allied Chemical and died in 1991 at the age of 75.
John P. Salmon, 4 Wilshire Road, Solvay, has been promoted to captain. He is attached to an amphibian boat corps in the Pacific. (8/21/42) |
John P. "Bud" Salmon, son of Maynard and Mary Salmon, was a much-decorated Marine colonel who died in 1966 at the age of 48. Serving with the First Raider Division, Col. Salmon was awarded a Silver Star and two Purple Hearts in World War 2 Pacific campaigns ranging from Tulagi to Guadalcanal and Iwo Jima. He was vice president of M. H. Salmon Electric, Inc., a company founded by his father. Col. Salmon is buried in Arlington National Cemetery.
Silvio J. Salvagni, 102 Hazard Street, Solvay, was inducted into the Army in April 2, 1944, and served in Central Europe. He retired from Syracuse China in 1985. He moved to Liverpool in the mid 1950s and died in 1989 at the age of 69. |
Four sons of Mrs. Josephine Salvagno, 328 Essex Street, Solvay, are serving their country. Sgt. Leonardo Salvagno is stationed at the Army Air Field, Homestead, Florida; Corp. Antonio Salvagno is in the armored division at Camp Beale, California; Pvt. Dan Salvagno is in an M. P. detachment at Santa Fe, New Mexico, and Pvt. Americo Salvagno is in an infantry training battalion at Camp Croft, South Carolina. (11/9/43) |
Americo Salvagno was co-owner of Salvagno Brothers Meat Market on Milton Avenue for more than 20 years. He died in 1992 at the age of 69. Leonardo "Richard" Salvagno also was co-owner of the meat market. He died in 2004 at the age of 82. The brothers were born in Laredo, Texas, but the family moved to Solvay about 1940. A third brother, Antonio Salvagno, died in 2002. He is buried at Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery.
So far I have found five men named Salvetti, one each from five different families in Solvay. One of them I remember well — Donald N. Salvetti — who for several years was the village police justice. He is one of two Donald Salvettis in service during World War 2.
Pfc. Dominick A. Salvetti, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Salvetti of 220 Power Street, Solvay, has been transferred from Quantico, Virginia, to an unannounced station. He attended Solvay High School before enlisting in the Marines. Salvetti is a graduate of the Ordnance School at Quantico. (2/6/43) |
Dominick A. Salvetti was a Marine Corp Veteran who was awarded the Purple Heart. He was an engineering technician for General Electric until he retired in 1977. He died in 2008 at the age of 87.
Among the men accepted for Army service at the Armory induction center Tuesday was Donald N. Salvetti of 160 Orchard Road, Solvay, an attorney who was criminal investigator for the New York State attorney general’s office for five years. Mr. Salvetti was assigned to the Intelligence Division. (4/11/43) |
Donald N. Salvetti wrote a book about his experiences as the Solvay police judge. It's called "Humor from the Bench," and it covers a lot of what went on in the village during the 1950s. There's an excerpt available online.
Donald "Saggy" Salvetti, 87, of Solvay, died September 10, 2010. A life resident of Solvay, he was a U.S. Army veteran of World War 2. He was employed by Carrier Corporation for over 30 years, before retiring in 1977. He was a member of the Solvay-Geddes Veterans, Stanley Pennock VFW Post 2893, the Solvay Tigers AC and the Hilltop Club. |
I make no claim that this was a Solvay thing, but it certainly seems to have been generational. I'm talking about nicknames. This list of World War 2 veterans is filled with unusual nicknames that beg for explanation. Unfortunately, I have none.
Arthur A. Salvetti, 85, of Solvay, was a US Army veteran of World War 2. He was awarded the Purple Heart for wounds received while serving in Italy in 1943 with Company D of the 30th Infantry. He died April 19, 2010. Among his survivors was his wife of 62 years, the former Fannie Valerino. |
Leonard J. Salvetti, 80, a Solvay native, died in May, 1995. He was an Army veteran of World War 2 and a retiree from Allied Chemical. He lived in Camillus the last 40 years of his life. Among his survivors was his wife, the former Mary E. Kelly. |
1st Sgt. John Sanso, Solvay, was discharged from Fort Dix, New Jersey. (9/26/45) |
Arthur J. Santorum, technical corporal, son of Mrs. Anna Santorum, 109 Freeman Avenue, Solvay, has been home on furlough from Camp Breckinridge, Kentucky. (10/22/42) |
Arthur Santorum, who retired as a truck driver with the town of Geddes Highway Department, died in 1993 at the age of 77, survived by his wife, the former Sarah Kelly.
Hit in the chest by shrapnel at Luzon on April 25, Pfc. Michael A. Santulli, 22, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Santulli of Gere’s Lock, RD-1, Solvay, is convalescing in a base hospital on Leyte.
In a previous War Department release, Santulli was erroneously reported killed in action. His parents since have had several letters from the soldier.
Santulli entered the service August 30, 1943, and went overseas one year ago to serve with the 25th Infantry Division. (6/3/45) |
Michael A. Santulli died at the Veterans Administration Medical Center in Syracuse in 1997. He was 74. He retired in 1985 after working 35 years at the Solvay Process Company (Allied Chemical). During World War 2, he received a Purple Heart and two Bronze Stars.
Corp. Steve Sapka has returned to Camp Adair, Oregon, after enjoying a 12-day furlough with his wife, Mrs. Mary Sapka, and his two children, all of 1023 Emerson Avenue, Syracuse. He is with an ordnance company and was inducted January 16. Steve is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sapka, RD1, Lakeland. (9/11/43) |
Frank J. "Pops" Saro, 80, of 309 Conklin St., Solvay died in 1993 at the age of 80. A native of Solvay, he worked for more than 30 years as a blacksmith for Allied Chemical Co. During World War 2 he served with the 518th Military Police Battalion. |
World War 2 Army veteran Joseph F. Sartori, 79, of 106 Longview Avenue, Lakeland, died in 1992 at the age of 77. A life resident of the Solvay area, he retired in 1977 as a machinist after 39 years with Allied Chemical Corp. |
The three sons of Mrs. Sophie Sawka of 101 Gere's Lock, Solvay, were in the service during World War 2. Peter Sawka was in ordnance, Michael Sawka in Company C, 114th Infantry, and George Sawka was in the Navy. George Sawka died in 1994 at the age of 69, predeceased by his brothers. |
Y 3/c Luther A. Saxman, 113 Power Street, Solvay, is en route home from the Pacific. (12/19/45) |
Syracuse Herald-Journal, July 24, 1944
A U. S. Army Hospital in England — S/Sgt. John G. Scaia of Solvay, who was wounded in Normandy, was impressed chiefly by the excellent support the infantry received from field artillery units during the crucial first week of operations on the continent.
Scaia, squad leader in an infantry company, suffered a broken left arm when he was struck by shrapnel during a drive on German pillbox positions. He is under treatment at a U. S. Army general hospital in England.
His company moved into the beachhead area on the morning of D-Day and was pinned down on several occasions by German artillery and machine guns. In each instance artillery was brought up and the German positions were wrecked.
Scaia, son of Mr. and Mrs. Florenzo Scaia, 227 William Street, Solvay, bagged five Germans himself before shrapnel put him out of the fight. He nailed his first when he tried to get from one foxhole to another, a second who was strapped to a tree while sniping, another sniper who had given away his position by firing at men further ahead in Scaia’s column, and two others while they were hiding in a hayloft. |
John G. Scaia, who retired from Allied Chemical, died in 1989 at his home at 109 South 'Avenue, Solvay. He was 70.
Frederick Anthony Scaia Jr., a native of Solvay, was an Army veteran of the war. He was a retired bus driver for Syracuse and Oswego Bus Lines. He moved to Evington, Virginia, where he died in 2005 at the ae of 83. He was the brother of Lawrence G. Scaia. |
Lawrence G. Scaia Sr., 79, of Solvay, died in October, 2000. He was a radio operator in the Army Air Forces during World War II. Born in the Italian Tyrol, he lived in the Syracuse area most of his life. He graduated from Solvay High School in 1940 and from Syracuse University in 1949. He retired in the 1960s as a production analyst and expediter after 17 years with General Electric. |
Sgt. Olimpio Scaia, Solvay, was discharged from Mitchel Field, Long Island. (11/13/45) |
Raymond Scaia, 80, of 1071 State Fair Blvd., Lakeland, died in 1989 at the age of 80. He was a World War 2 veteran who was born in Tyrol, Austria, and moved to Solvay in the 1920s. He was employed many years at Crucible Steel and was one of the founders of the Solvay Tyrol Club. |
Sgt. Sam Scaia, after visiting Adelaide Balduzzi and friends at 203 Freeman Avenue, Solvay, has returned to Camp Edwards, Massachusetts. Sergeant Scaia is a former employe of the Solvay Process Company. (2/23/43) |
T/4 Simone N. Scaia, 203 Freeman Avenue, Solvay, was discharged from Fort Dix, NJ. (11/7/45) |
George T. Scharf, 401 Terry Road, Westvale, was inducted into the Army. (9/5/43) |
Technician Fourth Grade Meletius Scharf arrived at Camp Upton after 17 months overseas in the Persian Gulf Command, prior to reaching his home, 401 Terry Road, Westvale. (9/8/44)
T/4 Meletius E. Scharf, 401 Terry Road, Westvale, was discharged from Fort Dix, NJ. (6/1/45) |
William Arnold Scheiss, 403 Lionel Avenue, Solvay, was promoted to first lieutenant in the Medical Reserve, it was announced today by the War Department. (1/29/44)
First Lieut. William Arnold Scheiss has been called to active service in the Medical Reserve, it was announced today by the War Department. (10/3/44) |
John W. Schmick was listed as living at 200 Charles Avenue, Solvay, when he entered the Army in March, 1944. After the war he moved to Fairmount and was a supervisor for New Process Gear before retiring in 1983. He died in March, 1994, at the age of 68. Survivors included his wife, the former Margaret Cotter. |
Pvt. Herman A. Schultz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schultz, 304 Charles Avenue, Solvay, is now stationed at Upper Marlboro, Maryland. (2/20/44) |
Richard H. Schwartz, Orchard Road, Solvay, was inducted into the Army in September, 1944. |
Richard H. Schwartz retired in 1971 as a supervisor after 25 years with the Onondaga County Department of Social Services. He was a 1932 graduate of Syracuse Univeristy where he was a member of the track and cross country teams. He was a judge and breeder in the American Kennel Club, owning two international champion collies. He died in 1995 in Dunedin, Florida, at the age of 86.
Joseph A. Selvester, 315 Darrow Avenue, Solvay, was inducted into the Army in February, 1943. He died in 1998 at the age of 76. His resume included jobs with the Camillus Department of Parks and Recreation and the New York State Fairgrounds. He was a member of the Solvay Tigers A.C. |
Syracuse Herald-Journal, January 27, 1944
Mr. and Mrs. Armand Serafini of 116 Worth Avenue, Solvay, were surprised enough when they received from their soldier son a pencilled copy of their own picture made by an Italian prisoner of war. They were doubly surprised to learn that the artist was the son of Italian neighbors last seen more than 30 years ago in Rome, Italy.
The sketch had its beginning when Corp. Bonaventure Serafini of Solvay, in service a year, struck up an acquaintance with a young Italian prisoner of war held at the Southern camp where he was stationed.
When Corp. Serafini received a photograph of his parents, the prisoner asked to borrow it and made a pencilled artist’s copy, 10 by 18 inches. This was sent to Solvay.
Mr. and Mrs. Serafini, on examining the picture, discovered that the artist, Torelli Romolo, had signed his name and given his address in Rome.
Mr. Serafini recalled yesterday that the Romolo family lived on the same street, less than two blocks from his own home in Rome, which he left in 1913 at the age of 16.
Corp. Serafini is following his father’s footsteps, for his father served in France with the American Army in the first World War and was twice gassed. |
Bonaventure Serafini died in 1990 at the age of 66.
Josephine Serafini of 116 Worth Avenue, Solvay, has enrolled as a medical technician in the Gen. Theodore Roosevelt Jr. Company of the Women’s Army Corps. After basic training at Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia, she will serve at England General Hospital in Atlantic City, New Jersey. (3/7/45) |
Josephine Serafini married Beryl Baldwin. They lived in the Fulton area where she died in 1988.
Nunzio Serino served with the Army during World War 2. He later worked 39 years at General Electric as a materials support supervisor. He was an active member of Solvay Tigers Athletic Club responsible for the construction of the Solvay-Geddes Youth Center (opened in 1964), of which he was one of its founding board members. He died in May, 2012, at the age of 90, survived by his wife of 69 years, the former Lena Fall. |
Staff Sgt. Frank Sgarlata, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Sgarlata of 210 Alice Avenue, Solvay, was recently home on a 10-day furlough from Camp Davis, North Carolina. He is a graduate of Solvay High and a former employe of Brown-Lipe-Chapin. (1/11/43) |
Frank Sgarlata, 86, died January 14, 2007. Born in Trenton, New Jersey, he had lived in Solvay over 82 years. He rose to second lieutenant in the U.S. Army. Frank was a journeyman tinsmith at General Motors for 38 years, retiring in 1974.
Two sons of Peter and Mary Sheldon, 310 Charles Avenue, Solvay, served during the war. John P. Sheldon entered the army in August, 1943, and 17-year-old James J. Sheldon entered in December, 1944. James Sheldon was a 40-year club member at Allied Chemical. He died in 2011, survived by his wife of 60 years, Edith. He was predeceased by his brother John. |
A book and a television mini-series would be appropriate for the Sherry family of 706 North Orchard Road, Solvay, which is why they have a separate page, one that still only skims the surface of their story. In brief, Alden B. Sherry, head of the household, was a major recalled to active duty in World War 2. He was a pilot who had served with the First Fighter Group in the first World War.
His older son, Bradford W. Sherry, was a sergeant serving under General George Patton's command in North Africa and Europe. In January, 1945, Sgt. Sherry was taken prisoner by the Germans.
The family's younger son, John Sherry, was the Solvay High School valedictorian in 1942, winner of a scholarship to Yale. He, too, joined the Army, in July, 1943. A career in the Central Intelligence Agency awaited him after the war. His older sister, Sylvia Sherry, did her part during the war working for the Office of War Information in New York City.
Meanwhile, their mother, Anne Wilkinson Sherry, worked in a Syracuse factory inspecting trigger assemblies for rifles. |
Mrs. Alton Shevalier, 207 King Avenue, Solvay, returned recently from a three-week visit with her husband, Corp. Alton Shevalier, USA, stationed in Mississippi. En route south, Mrs. Shevalier passed a few days at Dunbarton College of Holy Cross with her sister, Miss Carmel Piro, a pre-medical student. (4/6/43)
Sgt. Alton O. Shevalier, husband of Mrs. Rose Pirro Shevalier, 207 King Avenue, Solvay, was wounded in Italy, it was reported today by the War Department. (7/5/44) |
Alton Shevalier died in 1967. I believe he was from Liverpool, but through marriage was connected with one of Solvay's best-known families. His brothers-in-law included Rocky Pirro.
The first Syracusan to be accepted for the Spars, auxiliary to the U. S. Coast Guard — Miss Betty Jane Sholette, 22, of 222 South Orchard Road, Westvale — is now training at Hunter College.
Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Sholette, she applied for enlistment in February and was called to the Coast Guard procurement office in Buffalo March 5 where she took the oath of enlistment.
Miss Sholette has a brother, Pfc. Lee Sholette, serving with the Army Air Foces in California. He enlisted in January of last year.
She is a graduate of Solvay High School and the Syracuse Secretarial School and prior to her enlistment was employed as secretary to Marshal Naumann, manager of the Robert Coleman Insurance Agency. (3/23/43) |
Pvt. Lee Sholette, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Sholette of 22 South Orchard Road, Westvale, arrived home last Friday and will pass Christmas here with his parents. He is stationed with an air squadron at Muroc, California, and formerly was at Fort Wayne, Indiana. He is 25 and enlisted last January. (12/14/42)
Corp. Lee E. Shollette completed the qualification course with the .30 caliber rifle, in which he achieved the rating of marksman at Muroc Army Air Field, California. (3/9/44)
Sgt. Lee E. Sholette was promoted to his present rank at Muroc Army Air Field, California. (8/25/44)
Sgt. Lee E. Sholette has been assigned to the Red Raiders, one of the outstanding units of the Fifth Air Foce Bomber Command in the Philippines. (7/5/45) |
Lee Sholette retired from the American Linen Company at the age of 78. He died 16 years later, on January 3, 2012.
Syracuse Herald-Journal, December 28, 1942
Lieut. David I. Sidnam of 300 Center Street, Solvay is temporarily home from the North African invasion where the transport he was on was torpedoed by a German U-boat and he made shore in a boat with men from the ship’s sick bay. He will return to active duty January 11.
Lieutenant Sidnam is a former member of the staff at Onondaga County Sanatorium and also of the civilian staff of physicians at the induction center. He said it was not until a half-hour after the torpedo hit that those aboard left the transport, which was struck off Algiers.
He said there were some 15 men in the ship’s sick bay and a few injured and that they went down ladders and boarded a launch that took them to shore in a heavy surf.
As the sick and injured were carried to waiting ambulances, Lieutenant Sidnam said he and two other medical officers stayed on the beach for eight hours, wading shoulder deep into the surf to help men who were trying to make shore.
He and his two fellow officers spent the next three nights in subterranean air raid shelters. They slept fitfully, however, because of heavy bombings.
Several days after landing in Algiers, Lieutenant Sidnam and others in his group boarded another ship and went back to the British Isles and then returned to the United States. |
Dr. David I. Sidnam died in 1975.
Pfc. Lucian P. Simiele, 414 Chemung Street, was discharged from Fort Dix, New Jersey. (9/5/45) |
Lucian "Lucky" Simiele was assigned to the 451st Bombardier Squadron during the war. He retired from Netti Beverage Company and died at Veterans Administration Medical Center in February, 1995, at the age of 782.
Pvt. Roy Simonetti of the Marines was granted a 15-day furlough with his wife and daughter, 370 Beach Road, Lakeland. He enlisted in August, 1942, trained at Parris Island, South Carolina, and is now at Camp Lejeune, New River,, North Carolina, for advanced training. (12/12/43) |
For Ralph H. Sims of Warners, who married a young woman from Solvay, his Army career took a sharp turn from his first few weeks in uniform to what awaited him a year later.
Pfc. Ralph H. Sims, a paratrooper, has been home on an 11-day furlough visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Sims of Warners. He is stationed at Fort Benning, Georgia. (1/4/43)
Second Lieutenant Ralph H. Sims of Warners, has been graduated as a navigator from the Army Air Forces school at Coral Gables, Florida. (2/21/44)
Second Lieutenant Ralph H. Sims, whose wife is Mrs. Margaret Valerio Sims, of Cogswell Avenue, Solvay, will soon complete a course in combat flying at Alexandria Army Air Field, Alexandria, Louisiana. He is a navigator on a Flying Fortress. (3/29/44) |
Syracuse Herald-Journal, September 29, 1944
A veteran of the air war over Germany with the destruction of two German fighters to his credit, Lieut. Ralph H. Sims is home on leave visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Sims of Warners.
The officer’s wife, Pvt. Margaret Valerio Sims, is in the Wac and is stationed in Egypt. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Valerio of 900 Cogswell Avenue, Solvay, and has been in service a year. They have been married two years.
Lieut. Sims completed 32 missions over German occupied territory as group navigator with an air force group based in England. He holds the Distinguished Flying Cross, the Air Medal with three clusters and a presidential citation to his group.
Lieut. Sims led raids over Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Schweinfurt and Ludwigshafen and also took part in air operations over France on D-Day.
On one raid to Berlin, his Flying Fortress became separated from its group and was intercepted by German fighters. In a running battle, the Fortress crew show down five German fighters, two of which were credited to Sims.
Lieut. Sims has been in service for two and a half years. He was sent to England last Easter. |
Pvt. Margaret Valerio Sims of 900 Cogswell Avenue, Solvay, is among the first company of Wacs to serve in the Middle East Theater of War, according to a press release, “With the Allied Armies in the Mediterranean.” (7/ 7/44) |
Gregory T. Skarupa of Solvay has been commissioned second lieutenant after completion of the officer candidate course at the Quartermaster School at Camp Lee, Va. (8/29/42)
Lt. Gregory T. Skarupa, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Skarupa, 108 Woods Road, Solvay, is serving in the South Pacific with a quartermaster company of the Army Air Force service command. (5/1/44)
First Lieut. Gregory T. Skarupa and his wife recently visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Skarupa of 108 Woods Road, Solvay. Lieut. Skarupa has served 31 months with the 13th Air Force in the South and Southwest Pacific. (7/8/45) |
Gregory T. Skarupa settled in Washington, D. C., and worked for the Veterans Administration there. He died in 1992 at the age of 72.
Pvt. Anthony Slivinski, whose home address is 626 Montrose Avenue, Solvay, has been assigned for training to the Medical Replacement Training Center at Camp Robinson, Arkansas. (4/15/43) |
Pfc. Michael A. Smelkoff, son of Mrs. Alexander Smelkoff, RD-1, Lakeland, has completed training and has been graduated from the school of the Army Air Forces Technical Training Command, Chanute Field, Illinois. (7/8/43) |
Charles A. Smith, 95, of Solvay, died October 17, 2012. He was a World War 2 veteran of the U.S. Army, serving in North Africa and the European Theater. He was predeceased by his wife of 49 years, the former Irene F. Kaczmarek. He had several jobs in Syracuse, and he retired after 30 years from Carrier Corporation. |
Sgt. John H. Smith, 713 Scarboro Drive, Solvay, was promoted to his current rank at Seymour Johnson Field, North Carolina. He is an ambulance dispatcher. (7/14/43) |
John L. Smith, 93, of Westvale, was an Army veteran of World War 2 serving in Australia, New Guinea and the Philippines as a deep sea diver. He retired as a letter carrier from the U.S. Postal Service Solvay branch in 1977 after 30 years of service. He died in January, 2013, at the age of 93, preceded in death by his wife of 58 years, the former Betty Elizabeth Cook Smith in 2004. |
PhM 2/c Walter B. Smith, 3530 West Genesee Street, was discharged from Sampson. (12/24/45) |
Walter B. Smith was born in Camillus and graduated from Solvay High School. The Navy veteran retired as superintendent of building and grounds at West Genesee School in 1974. He moved to Central Square and died in 2006 at the age of 94.
Raymond J. Smoral, 506 Montrose Avenue, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smoral, has been advanced to pharmacist mate, second class, in the Navy, it was announced by the Tenth Naval District, San Juan, Puerto Rico. (6/21/43) |
Raymond J. Smorol, 80, of Westvale died January, 1998. Born in Solvay, he lived many years in Cazenovia before returning to the Westvale area. Smorol served on the USS Boxer during World War 2 and retired as a naval officer in 1977 after 35 years of service.
John E. Snigg, a former Solvay resident, was a Navy veteran of World War 2. He settled in New Jersey after the war. He died in 2003 at the age of 86. He was a graduate of Syracuse University with a degree in marketing. He was the manager of in-flight entertainment for American Airlines in NYC for 35 years before retiring. |
Raymond V. Sokolowski of 1320 Willis Avenue, Syracuse, has been graduated from the Army Air Forces Flexible Gunnery School at Fort Myers, Florida, and promoted to sergeant. (12/30/42).
Sgt. Raymond V. Sokolowski, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Sokolowski, 1320 Willis Avenue, an aerial gunner, will soon complete a course in combat flying at the Alexandria Army Air Base, Alexandria, Louisiana. (10/22/43) |
Raymond V. Sokolowski was one of the people on this list who didn't actually live in Solvay, but was so close that he had to be included. In his case, Sokolowski's home was across the street from the village line, though what was facing his home was the outer range of the Allied Chemical (Solvay Process) complex
In any event, Raymond V. Sokolowski was a resident of Jordan when he died in 2001 at the age of 80. His war experience was quite an adventure. He was part of a crew in a plane that was shot down over Cologne, Germany. He survived the crash, but was taken prisoner. Back home after the war he worked at Hathaway Bakery, owned a Wise Potato Chip franchise and was a landscaper at Westvale Gardens. He was survived by his wife, the former Mabel Beeman.
Pfc. Nicholas Sorendo, 315 First Street, Solvay, returned to New York City on the SS John Erickson. (8/8/45) |
Solvay native and Army veteran Nicholas V. Sorendo retired from Crucible Steel and lived in Florida for several years. He died in 1995 at the age of 79.
Pfc. Louis Sowle, son of Lawrence Sowle, 116 Worth Avenue, Solvay, is an Army uncle of Pfc. Bonaventure Serafini of the same address, the latter being the son of Mr. and Mrs. Armand Serafini.
Pfc. Sowle, a Solvay High School graduate and scout leader, is serving with a Medical Detachment at Springfield, Missouri. His father served overseas in World War I with an anti-aircraft outfit and was wounded in action in France. (6/29/43) |
Pvt. Albert Spagnoletti, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Spagnoletti, 403 King Avenue, Solvay, is stationed with the Signal Battalion at Camp Forrest, Tennesee. A graduate of Solvay High School, he was a Crucible Steel Company employe prior to induction in March. (6/24/43) |
Albert Carmen Spagnoletti, 85, a lifelong resident of Solvay, died on February 5, 2009. He was a World War 2 veteran of the 92nd Signal Battalion of Patton's 3rd Army. He served as a police officer for the village of Solvay, was past president of the Syracuse Claims Association and retired from Utica Mutual as a claims adjuster in 1984. He was survived by his wife of 54 years, the former Rose Ascioti.
SF 1/c Rego Speziali, Solvay, was discharged from the Navy at Sampson. (12/24/45) |
Rego Speziali was retired from Allied-Signal Inc. where he was a general foreman 45 years. He died in August, 1989, at the age of 81.
Corp. Sidney Spillett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ethelbert Spillett of 417 Herkimer Street, is stationed at Lake Charles, Louisiana. Before entering service he was an employe of Solvay Process Company and scoutmaster of Boy Scout Troop 82, Cherry Road School. There are many of his troop in service, including Fred Baxter, Ralph Bristol, Dane Cole, Robert Doehner, James Farnham, Raymond Hackbarth, Robert Letrault, Edward Lundy, Wallace Lundy, Lerman MacKaig, Billy Male, James Male, Robert McArdell, Arthur Meyers, Richard Owen, William Patterson, James Sherlock, James Stewart, Bradford Vineall and Lester Wilbur. (6/29/43) |
Sidney Spillett, who had retired from Allied Chemical (Solvay Process), died December 29, 2006, at the age of 93.
Anthony J. Spina Sr., 75, formerly of Solvay and Camillus, died in April, 1996, in Peoria, Arizona. He retired from the Crucible Steel Co. He was also a masonry contractor for Independent Building Contractors in the Syracuse area before his retirement. Mr. Spina was an Army Air Corps veteran of World War 2 and was a member of the Solvay-Geddes Veteran's Association and the Solvay Volunteer Fire Department. |
His younger brother, Richard R. Spina, listed as living at 404 Center Street, Solvay, also was in the service, entering the army in February, 1943. After the war he moved to Liverpool and worked at General Electric for 35 years. He died in January, 2008, at the age of 84. |
Robert R. Stanton, 209 Draper Avenue, Solvay, was inducted into the Army. (2/12/43) |
Robert R. Stanton spent the last 45 years of his life in Camillus. He died in August, 2001, at the age of 78, survived by his wife of 51 years, the former Elizabeth Jones.
The Solvay native who raised the American flag over Tokyo at the end of World War II has died. Bernard J. "Bud" Stapleton died August 21 in a nursing home in Daytona, Florida. A photo of Stapleton raising the American flag over Tokyo on September 3, 1945 (above), made newspapers worldwide. A full-size figure of Stapleton is on display at the Onondaga Conty War Memorial's veterans museum. (8/29/99) |
Apparenty Bernard J. "Bud" Stapleton's connection to Solvay didn't extend too far beyond his birth. He was a 1939 graduate of Christian Brothers Academy who worked many years in radio as an announcer and news director, mostly as Syracuse stations WSYR and WNDR. He also was an account executive at the Barlow Advertising Agency. He moved to Orlando, Florida in 1989. He died in 1999, survived by five daughters and three sons.
William R. Stapleton, 326 First Street, Solvay, was inducted into the Army in February, 1943. |
William R. Stapleton opted for the Army Air Corps. After the war he moved to Onondaga Hill and retired as a manager at New York Telephone. He died in March, 2008, at the age of 84.
John R. Stapleton of 104 Second Street, Solvay, was inducted into the Army in September, 1944. This information was provided recently by a grandson:
John, my grandfather, was a rifleman in WWII, discharged in July 1946. He was stationed in Central Europe/Rhineland until July 1945. He then returned to the US and worked at the Separation Center at Fort Douglas as a clerk until his discharge. He went on to be a Radiological Engineer and Instructor for Radiotherapy Technology at Upstate Medical Center. At some point before his death in 1978, he had moved his family to the town of Onondaga. His wife, Helen, passed in 2010 in Florida, having remarried.
All the best,
Nick Stapleton |
Edmond Statkewicz of 510 Third Street, Solvay, entered the Navy April 20, 1943, and is stationed at Sampson Naval Training Station. (5/5/43)
Following extensive combat duty flying from aboard the historic aircraft carrier Enterprise, Edmund Statkewicz, ARM 3/c, of 510 Third Street, Solvay, is now receiving advanced radio instruction at the Naval Air Technical Training Center, Memphis, Tennessee. He wears the Navy Air Medal and two Gold Stars in lieu of additional air medals. (8/31/45) |
Walter Statkewicz, brother of Edmund Statkewicz, was an Army Signal Corps veteran of World War 2. He retired in 1970 as manager of the data processing department after 32 years with Carrier Corp. He was a graduate of Solvay High School and a 1936 graduate of Syracuse University. He also was a consultant to the Machine Accounting Association. A resident of Westvale, Walter Statkewicz died in March, 1993, age the age 78, survived by his wife of 52 years, the former Jean McClusky. At that time his brother, Edmund, was living in Ormond Beach, Florida. |
A third brother, Stanley Statkewicz, who also was living at 510 Third Street, Solvay, when he entered the Army (May, 1944), died in April, 1998, in San Diego, California. |
Staff Sgt. Leon P. Stawasz, 129 William Street, ball turret gunner in the Army Air Force in England, was awarded the Air Medal. (7/5/44)
S/Sgt. Leon P. Stawasz is in Belgium awaiting shipment home after being liberated, his mother, Mrs. Mary Stawasz of 121 William Street has been informed. He had been a prisoner for 10 months. (5/27/45) |
When the Syracuse Herald-Journal did not include the name of a village or town after the street address, it usually mean the street was located in Syracuse. There is a Williams Street in Syracuse, not far from Solvay. However, William Street is in the village. Where the Stawasz family lived I cannot be certain. I have found no other mention of the World War 2 veteran.
Mr. and Mrs. James Steele, 108 Lionel Avenue, Solvay, announce the marriage of their son, Corp. Glen T. Steele, USA, to Miss Marjorie Morris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Morris, 603 Holley Lane, Edington, Birmingham, England, on October 10 in St. Mary’s Methodist Church in Birmingham. The bride expects to come to the United States shortly to live at the Solvay address. Corp. Steele is in France. (12/10/44)
T/5 Glen T. Steele, 108 Lionel Avenue, Solvay, was discharged from Fort Dix, New Jersey. (12/13/45) |
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Steves of Lakeland have two sons in the Army, Kenneth J. Steves, who is with the Air Forces at Cochran Field, Macon, Georgia, and George Steves, who was recently transferred from Fort Monmouth, New Jersey, to Fort Hancock, New Jersey. (8/16/42) |
In November, 1943, Frank J. Steves, father of servicemen Kenneth and George, suffered a fatal heart attack while hunting. At this point Sgt. Kenneth Steves was still in Arkansas, but Pfc. George Steves was in England.
A daughter of Frank J. Steves made only a slight change in her last name when she married Edgar W. Stevens:
Pvt. Edgar W. Stevens of State Fair Boulevard, Baldwinsville, has returned to Fort Smith, Arkansas, after a 10-day furlough. he was accompanied by his wife. Private Stevens is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stevens of Lyons and has two brothers in the service, Corp. Williams Stevens at Fort Knox, Kentucky, and Pvt. Donald Stevens, with the Marines at New River, North Carolina.
Mrs. Stevens is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Steves of Lakeland. She also has two brothers in service, Sgt. Kenneth Steves in the Air Corp at Walnut Ridge, Arkansas, and Pfc. George Steves in the Signal Corps at Fort Hancock, New Jersey. (4/23/43) |
Radarman 3/c Edward A. Strohmayer, 1213 Avery Avenue, is serving aboard a destroyer in the Okhotsk Sea. (8/17/45) |
Mrs. Jennie Styrzo, a native of Rumania and a resident of Gere's Lock, just outside the village of Solvay, had seven children, including six sons who served during World War 2. One of them made the ultimate sacrifice.
Pfc. Alex Styrzo, son of Mrs. Jennie Styrzo, 103 Gere's Lock, was wounded in action in Italy, it was announced today by the War Department. (12/14/44) |
Alex "Pops" Styrzo received the Purple Heart and Combat Infantry Badge. He returned from the war and remained in the Central New York, settling in East Syracuse. He retired after 20 years with Crucible Specialty Metals. He died in 1993 at the age of 72.
Solvay native John Styrzo was an Army veteran of World War II, having become a staff sergeant. He served during the invasion of Normandy in 1944 and later elsewhere in Europe. He retired as a supervisor for Crucible Steel after 44 years. He died in 2001 at the age of 85. |
Michael Styrzo was the oldest brother. An Army veteran of World War 2, he was a member of the Disabled American Veterans. He retired in 1980 after 23 years as a machinist at Rollway Bearing Co., Syracuse. He died in 1993 at the age of 79. |
Pfc. Stephen Styrzo, 25, husband of Mrs. Pauline Ann Styrzo of 515 East Adams Street, Syracuse, and son of Mrs. Jennie Styrzo of Solvay, was killed in action in France on June 11. Besides his wife and mother, Pfc. Styrzo was survived by a sister, Miss Jennie Styrzo; a brother at home, Nicholas Stryzo, and five brothers in the service — Sgt. John Styrzo in Italy, Michael Styrzo and Alex Styrzo in the Army, Theodore Styrzo in the Navy, and Walter Styrzo in the Marine Corps. (7/7/44) |
Solvay native and Navy veteran Theodore Styrzo was a resident of Verona Beach when he died in 1987 at the age of 63. |
Pfc. John T. Sullivan, USAAC, has married Frances Nanette Widdrington, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Widdrington of Amboy Road. The wedding took place May 24 at St. Cecilia’s rectory, the Rev. Carl J. Denti officiating.
Pfc. Sullivan is the son of Mrs. Elizabeth Sullivan of 216 Alice Avenue, Solvay. Both young people are graduates of Solvay High School. Before entering the service, Pfc. Sullivan was employed by the Solvay Process Company. Mrs. Sullivan is employed at L. C. Smith & Corona Typewriters, Inc.
Pfc. Sullivan has returned to his base in Washington. The bride is living with her parents. (6/18/44)
Pfc. John T. Sullivan, son of Mrs. Elizabeth Sullivan, 216 Alice Avenue, Solvay, and husband of the former Miss Frances N. Widdrington of Amboy Road, served in the AAF Aviation Engineers Battalion, which has been awarded the Meritorious Service Unit Plaque for their work on Anguar in the Palau Islands last fall. (5/24/45) |
There was another Sullivan family not far from Alice Avenue, and another John Sullivan. He and his brother joined the Army together:
Two pairs of brothers were among 79 selectees of Solvay Selective Service Board 471 who left for military service yesterday. Among the large contingent were men from the towns of Geddes, Cicero, Clay and Lysander.
James Sullivan, 20, and John Sullivan, 18, graduates and athletes of Solvay High School, were two of the brothers who left. Their home is at 303 Center Street, Solvay. They are sons of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Sullivan.
The other pair of brothers are twins, Paul Byrns and Carl Byrns, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Byrns of Caroline Avenue, Solvay. Their father is a veteran of the World War. (3/28/43) |
Corp. Joseph Susco and Pvt. Steve Susco are sons of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Susco, 333 Lakeside Road, Solvay, serving in the Army. Corp. Susco went through the African, Sardinian campaigns and is now in Italy, where he met his mother’s relatives. Pvt. Susco has been overseas a year and is serving in France. (11/2/44) |
Joseph Susco returned to Lakeside Road and owned Joe Susco's Gulf Service Station for 27 years. He died in 1973 at the age of 58, survived by his wife, Mrs. Belle Bankey Susco; his father, the Rev. Paul Susco of Lakeland; four brothers, Francis, Ronald and Steven, all of Solvay, and Nunzio Susco of Lakeland, and three sisters, Mrs. John Pagano of New Jersey, Mrs. Pat Bianchi of Amboy and Mrs. Roy Hart of Baldwinsville.
Stephen V. Susco participated in the second wave of the Normandy invasion and the Battle of the Bulge. He was a Purple Heart recipient. He was a machine operator for the Turnstedt Div. of General Motors for 18 years. He retired from Onondaga County Drainage & Sanitation Dept. after 27 years. He was a 50 plus year member of both the Central New York Baseball Umpire's Assoc. and the U.S. Slowpitch Softball Assoc. In 2006 he was inducted into the U.S.S.S.A. Hall of Fame as an umpire. One of his grandchildren is Lieut. Jeremy Susco, USN. He died in 2007 at age 89.
Another Susco brother was in the armed forces in World War 2:
Vito Nunzio Susco served as seaman first class in the U.S. Navy on the USS Oyster Bay in the Philippines, for which he was awarded the American Theatre Medal, the Asiatic Pacific Medal and the Victory Medal. |
In 1956, Vito Nunzio Susco began working for the town of Geddes Highway Department and was later elected superintendent, a position he held for 31 years, from 1963 until he retired in 1994, making him the longest elected highway superintendent in New York state. He was a charter member of the Lakeside Volunteer Fire Department, where he served as fire chief and commissioner.
Vito Nunzio Susco died on December 29, 2007, at the age of 85. He was the last of the eight children of Vito Paul and Catherine LaPorta Susco to pass away. He was survived by his wife, the former Helen Makowski, with whom he had celebrated their 66th anniversary two weeks before his death.
Seaman Second Class Elmer A. Svitak, 113 Power Street, Solvay, completed basic training at Sampson, and was granted a furlough before returning there for assignment. (3/14/44) |
Elmer A. Svitak moved to Florida in the early 1970s. He was a truck driver for Clay Hyder Trucking in Auburndale, Florida. He died in 1988 at the age of 62, survived by his wife, the former Shirley Krause; a son, Kenneth R. Svitak of Solvay; three daughters, Julie Collins of Grand Rapids, Minnesota; Sheryl Jensen of Davenport, Florida, and Darlene Bisplinghoff of Auburndale, Florida, and his mother, Mary Ellen Svitak of Solvay.
Charles W. Swartz, 85, of Solvay, passed away September 7, 2012 . Born in Syracuse, he was a U.S. Navy veteran of World War 2. He was an engineer for Conrail for over 40 years before retiring in 1992. |
Pfc. Clarence E. Swartz, 2349 Milton Avenue, Solvay, returned to New York City on the SS Greenville Dodge. (8/22/45) |
Pvt. John K. Swidowski, 300 Belle Isle Road, Solvay, was reported as a prisoner of war today by the War Department. (5/23/43) |
Clement "Larry'' Swidowski, 66, of Bridgeport, a native of Solvay, died April, 1987, at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Tampa, Fla. He was a Navy veteran of World War II. He owned and operated taxis in Syracuse for the past 15 years. He was survived by his wife, Florence Swidowski. |
Solvay native Joseph R. Swidowski, brother of John and Clement, also was a veteran of the war, serving in the Army. He was a resident of Radisson for five years before dying in February, 1991, at the age of 74. He was a retired salesman for Kings Used Cars, Cicero. He was survived by his wife, Dorothy. |
Seaman Sophie I. Symanowski, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Symanowski of 130 Alice Avenue, Solvay, has completed her five-week indoctrination course at the Naval Training School for Waves at Iowa State Teachers College and is awaiting assignment to a specialized school to learn a trade. (2/19/43)
Stkpr. 1/c Sophie I. Symanowski, Solvay, was discharged from the U.S. Naval Barracks, New York City. (11/13/45) |
In the 1987 obituary for her brother, Edward Symanowski, it was stated that Sophie Symanowski's married name was Olrich and she was living in Cleveland, Ohio.
Al Szczech, catcher of the South Side Merchants baseball team, is enroute to Great Lakes Naval Training Station following his enlistment last week. He is the third boy in his family to join the Navy. Edward Szczech and John Szczech preceded him into service. All were prominent in Solvay High School sports. (12/10/42) |
These three were the sons of John and Mary Szczech, who emigrated from Poland. A fourth brother, Joseph, would join the service during the war.
A native of Solvay, Alexander J. "Al" Szczech moved a few miles south to Westvale in the early 1950s. He suffered a heart attack at his home on Fern Drive in March, 1993, and died at the age of 72.
Edward T. Szczech retired in 1965 as a chief warrant officer after 25 years service in the Navy. He joined the Navy in 1940 and was stationed at Pearl Harbor during the 1941 Japanese attack. Edward T. Szczech moved to Kelseyville, Calif., and died in December, 1993, while playing golf. He was 75. Among his survivors was his wife, Haydee. |
John Szczech was a star athlete in football, basketball and baseball before graduating from Solvay High School in 1941. He served his country during World War 2 in the Pacific Theatre as a member of the U.S. Navy.
John Szczech played in several semi-pro teams and was an umpire and a referee. He belonged to the International Association of Approved Basketball Officials. He also belonged to (as well as served as past president) the Solvay Tigers, Solvay Youth Organization and Solvay-Geddes Veterans.
He was a member of the Syracuse Fire Department and retired after 32 years. John Szczech died November 26, 2010, at the age of 87, survived by his wife, Dorothy Suchorowski Szczech; two children, five grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. |
Joseph M. Szczech was a Navy veteran of World War 2. After the war he was an office service manager with Nationwide Insurance Co. Born in Solvay, he lived many years in Syracuse before moving to Gainesville, Florida. He died in January, 1998, at the age of 72, survived by his wife, Helen and two sons, Joseph M. of Birmingham, Ala., and Peter T. of Jupiter, Fla. |
Two members of another Szczech family from Solvay also served during World War 2. They were the sons of Frank and Valeria Szczech.
Raymond J. Szczech, 407 Darrow Avenue, Solvay, was inducted into the Army. (9/5/43) |
Raymond J. Szczech was a life resident of Solvay, retiring fter 40 years with the metalurgical department of Crucible Specialty Metals. Among his activities was membership in the Syracuse Racing Pigeon Club. He died in March,, 1989, at his home.
Frank W. Szczech, 78, died May 2, 1999 at home. He was an Army Air Forces veteran. A life resident of Solvay, he was a 1951 graduate of Le Moyne College. He retired in 1997 as founder and owner of the Pine Grove Country Club, Camillus. He was also former owner of the Elbridge Motors Ford and Solvay Nash car dealerships. |
Frank J. Szewczyk Sr. was a Solvay native who served in the Army during World War 2 in the Asiatic-Pacific Theater of Operations. He owned and operated the Eaton Hotel. He moved to Morrisville where he died in October, 2011, at the age of 94. |
Seamen Second Class Martin Szkotak and John Szkotak, sons of Mrs. Josephine Szkotak, 210 South Orchard Road, Westvale, enjoyed a 10-day furlough together during which John celebrated a birthday. They are assigned to an amphibious base at Fort Pierce, Florida. (10/31/43) |
Martin J. Szkotak lived on the West Side of Syracuse most of his life and was employed for many years at General Electric. The Navy veteran died in 1989.
I also came across the following names included in lists of those inducted into the armed services:
Anthony T. Schultz, RD-1, Solvay (4/23/42)
Edward Sebastian, 421 Walters Road, Lakeland (Army, 7/8/43)
John Solomon, 304 Smelkoff Road, Lakeland (Army, 2/12/43)
William E. Spring, 428 Walters Road, Lakeland (Army, 4/2/44)
Jack Strobel, 129 Armstrong Road, Solvay (Army, 4/2/44)
Milton Edward Szczur, 105 Freeman Avenue, Solvay (Army, 2/18/42) |